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More NGOs in Geneva than Previously Thought

Écrit par Addison Holmes
Paru le 13 septembre 2019

A study by the University of Geneva has identified 759 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating in Geneva.

This figure might not be a surprise for some. For the state of Geneva, and the researchers, it came as a bit of shock. The number is about double that previously thought. A large majority of the NGOs focus on peace, justice and human rights.

Overall, the NGO community employ 3,146 staff, of which 2,543 are full-time. Most of the organisations are staffed by 10 or less people. Around half of the NGOs receive funding from either the Swiss government or city authorities.

International Geneva

The Geneva cantonal statistics office state that 25,972 people work for 34 international United Nations. The International Committee of the Red Cross are also counted in these figures. However, the number of permanent international civil servants has fallen slightly. Non-permanent contracts have risen by 11 percent. This is a trend that most UN workers believe will continue. Nowadays, some 30 percent of contracts are non-permanent.

International Meeting Place

The number of meetings and conferences attended by delegates from abroad hit a record last year; up 19 percent compared to the last best year. In all, there were 3,364 international conferences and meetings, attracting 97 heads of state, 44 prime ministers and 700 royal family members.



Swiss Cantonal Office for Statistics

University of Geneva

International Geneva

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