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Blockchain, the Future of Work?

Écrit par Eduardo Galve
Paru le 21 décembre 2017

Blockchain Agora

In December 2017, the Blockchain Agora session took place in Paris. The title of the conference was “The Place to be to Know all About Blockchain” and provided a comprehensive overview of the status and progress of ideas and experiences about Blockchain.

The event offered an opportunity to appreciate how emerging startups based on the Blockchain technology create new business models in a wide range of areas, including health, energy, supply chain, commercial, financial, legal, and academic fields. Participants could also appraise the efforts to improve Blockchain’s overall performance from a technical point of view.

What grabbed my attention was the tremendous expectations on how Blockchain could recover the trust between people and return power and privacy to individuals. Could you imagine how we could build new social models based on peer-to-peer relations, organized without the involvement of third-parties and with trusted rules and embedded in mathematics algorithms? Even corruption could decrease.

One open question is how fast our creative thinking will invent the jobs of tomorrow.


Open innovation

A month ago, The Graduate Institute Geneva & The Economist organized in Geneva a forum on the “Future of Work”. The shared idea was that a very big number of current jobs would disappear while we continue to have trouble to guess the future. Nevertheless, everybody believes that innovation will be the main factor pulling the transformation.

Patrick Duvaut (Head of innovation at the Institut Mines Telecom, IMT) presented at the conference “TRUSTinFACT” (The TRUSTed Crowd Innovation Factory). Below, Patrick gives his view on the new strategic challenges we need to face and how “TRUSTinFACT” could be the answer.

“Collaborative innovation (CI) has become a genuine asset whose value is driven by an exponential need for supply-demand matching. In spite of its huge potential, CI outcomes are slow to take off for two reasons: complexity and lack (loss) of trust. First, CI requires connecting all its actors and resources, whether they are suppliers or demanders (users-citizen, researchers, experts, students-PhDs, technological platforms, Living labs, start-uppers, SMEs, large companies, investors, etc.). Second, trust in digital platforms as a service that are the only relevant solutions to address the complexity of CI has been eroded (leaks, propaganda, etc.) since they are based on the asymmetrical paradigm, both in terms of information and return for the users.  

TRUSTinFACT is a next generation digital platform that boosts the full value of CI worldwide. It is based on a new sustainable digital paradigm, “Fair return on Trusted Sharing”, powered by Blockchain that can apply to any human activity, not only CI.  TRUSTinFACT is a multi-actor, agile, tailored & trusted by design Platform (in compliance with GDPR) that optimizes CI supply-demand matching, allows end-to-end nudge & incentivized co-creation and provides high ROI driven by “reverse funding”. TRUSTinFACT is currently gathering its founding members. TRUSTinFACT should be launched by the end of 2018.”


Thanks very much to Eric Seuillet (http://www.lafabriquedufutur.org/) and Jacqueline Sala (https://www.veillemag.com/) for the organization of this event and to all partners and contributors.


Sources :






Formez vous aux protocoles Blockchain grâce aux formations blockchain à Genève du Swiss Blockchain Institute.

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