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Edgelands Institute’s “Dropping the Pin on Surveillance” photo submissions

Écrit par Zara Tewolde berhan
Paru le 28 avril 2023

three white CCTV camera on building wall

As pedestrians often look at the road names ahead, very few stop to notice the not-so-subtle surveillance cameras placed across Geneva. Edgelands Institute is organizing an interactive, “Dropping the Pin on Surveillance: Capturing Security Cameras in Geneva” photo submission until Sunday April 30th, to inspire participatory data interventions. Designed to share insights and collectively reflect on surveillance technologies and transparency, Geneva residents are actively encouraged to be observant and take pictures of security cameras, geolocate and register them throughout the city by sending these details to Edgeland.

Edgelands Institute

Edgelands Institute is a multi-disciplinary pop up institute that collectively explores the growing digitalization of security in cities. Edgeland uses academic research, data and art to inspire citizens, policymakers, academics and other stakeholders to discuss the use of digital tools and the transformation of the urban social fabric in our digital era.   

Over the next few months Edgelands will host various spaces in Geneva to engage with local residents, inspiring much needed conversations on digital technologies and public security, as we become more digitalised. What does this mean for the public? What potential problems can arise? And how can we collectively avoid them?

Edgelands acknowledges the difficulties of accessing information of “surveillance technologies, practices and data” and the lack of transparency, particularly with regards to private security companies.  

Designed to effectively spark conversations on the importance of transparency in digital security technologies, participants are invited to reflect on potential solutions through effective methods, including research, policy and art. This fosters imagination and inspires collective discussions on the growing use of surveillance technologies and transparency in Geneva. 

Be sure to check out more info on Edgelands Institute’s website.

By the same author:

UX workshops through the Stanislavski acting method by Zara Tewolde berhan

Image: Upsplash

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