On the 1st of January 2016, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by 193 world leaders in September 2015 at a historic UN summit, officially came into force. The 17 ambitious global goals for sustainable development range from ending poverty in all its forms everywhere to taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. They need innovation for us to achieve them.
The need to work together
In order to draw attention to the fact that the goals will only be reached if all work together, the first ever “Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day” will take place on the 24th of March. Founded by a group of individuals working for a number of organisations in Geneva, its aim is to disrupt International Geneva in order to radically accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. It will bring together NGOs, UN agencies, multinational corporations as well as individuals who have ideas on how to change the world, fast.
What’s on
The Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day showcases over 60 organisations offering innovative solutions ranging from intelligent plug-and-play electric grids for refugee camps to robotics programming for children. Throughout the day, there will be discussions, demonstrations and pop-up events.
There will also be a “Speakers’ Corner” offering space to pitch ideas and forge new partnerships.
From Crazy Pitches to discussions on how the SDGs can boost business to workshops on prototyping, this day has everything to offer for anyone who wants to think outside of the box to make Geneva a major actor in achieving the SDGs.
Source: www.g3id.org