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In the mind of an expatriate

Écrit par Nazlie Muji
Paru le 8 mars 2016

Wikipedia says an expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing, as an immigrant, in a country other than that of their citizenship. The word comes from the Latin term ex (“out of”) and patria (“country, fatherland”).


To identify what an expat needs, we need to think like an expat.  One of the biggest pros of being an expat is that they often get to meet interesting people of all walks of life. Most of the time, these people are expats as well. Even when one comes from a different country, expats tend to understand that “everybody is in the same boat.” This helps them to create very interesting friendships.

Another pro is that when living in another culture, one can learn so much about the world in a community of expats. There are so many different cultures, types of food and traditions. Being able to experience all of this richness can be amazing.

Of course, having a family can also be a big pro. Expats who have children are showing them the world, opening their minds. If they are younger, it is sometimes easier because the earlier they are exposed to moving around, the easier they adapt.

There are, unfortunately, some cons to being an expat. Some may feel like they are strangers in somebody else’s home. It is important to remain respectful of other cultures, and tolerant. Some also might sometimes feel unsafe or vulnerable. Shy people who find it difficult to adapt may only eat certain foods, and may not really feel comfortable reaching out and talking to new people. For them, it might be a good idea to just be friendly and try to come out of their shells. Many suffer when they are away from home, especially where the language is different. It’s an experience. If you are not willing to be flexible then expat life is not for you.

Moving abroad is an adventure, but it is also a challenge. Adjusting to a new climate, a new culture, a new language, and saying goodbye to family can be difficult. However, it’s a beautiful experience that shows you the world and allows you to meet amazing people and cultures.

Photo credit: geralt via Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain License

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One comment on “In the mind of an expatriate”

  1. Very interesting article! It is meaningful, plus I can personally confirm that the facts that are highlighted in this article are all true.
    It is all a matter of adapting to this new life, and trying to maintain the 'sunny side up/ the glass is half full'- approach. Even if sometimes.. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence!

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