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"Take Back Your Lunch" Day

Écrit par Marie Jungo
Paru le 16 juin 2023

In 2012, a special day called "Take Back Your Lunch Day" was introduced to emphasize the significance of a proper lunch break.

In 2012, a special day called "Take Back Your Lunch Day" was introduced to emphasize the significance of a proper lunch break.

Its purpose was to encourage individuals to prioritize their well-being while at work, promoting healthier habits and reminding people to carve out time for themselves during lunch.

Tork, a renowned company specializing in hygiene solutions, recently conducted a survey in the United States to delve into how workers spend their lunchtime in the post-COVID era.

The survey aimed to gather insights about employees' habits and behaviours during this midday break. The findings of this survey have provided valuable information that can enhance workplace well-being and guide future initiatives.

Key Revelations

  • A staggering 39% of people only occasionally, rarely, or never take breaks during their workday. This suggests a prevalent neglect of the restorative power of a proper break.
  • Surprisingly, 22% of respondents feel guilty or judged when they step away from work at midday. This highlights the prevailing pressure to remain constantly productive and the need to address this mindset.
  • Despite the pandemic-induced changes, 91% of people report working just as much or even more than before. This data underscores the importance of fostering a healthy work-life balance and avoiding burnout.
  • Gender disparities were observed, with women being over twice as likely (67%) as men (33%) to forgo taking a break. Moreover, when women do take breaks, they are more inclined to spend that time on household chores (22% versus 14%). These findings shed light on the additional responsibilities that women often shoulder and the potential impact on their well-being.

In response to these findings, participants of GBN have decided to organize a team lunch, providing an opportunity for a genuine break and an enjoyable meal together. This initiative not only allows individuals to step away from work but also fosters a sense of togetherness and camaraderie among team members. By sharing a meal, they are not only pausing work but also building stronger connections within the team.

The significance of taking a breather and relishing the company of colleagues over a delicious meal cannot be overstated. It serves as a reminder that work should not overshadow the need for personal well-being and fostering positive relationships in the workplace. So, why not take a leaf out of GBN's book and prioritize your lunch break? It could be the small change that makes a big difference in your daily life.

Image source: Canva


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