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The Little Coaching Dictionary: Comfort Zone

Écrit par Christel Mesey
Paru le 1 janvier 2019

For the French version, click here

When speaking to a life coach or a neuro-programming (NLP) therapist, you can end up confused by the words used. We are offering you here a series to allow you to get familiar with the language and even demystify it.


A comfort zone is a familiar situation or an environment. You know through this familiarity how something works, the behaviour that is expected from you and what you could expect to feel.

This environment or situation provokes in someone a sense of reassurance and safety at a conscious or subconscious level.

There is no judgment on the quality of the comfort zone but a realisation that that being in a situation you know, even if it is a bad one, can sometimes be more reassuring than a change. As a matter of fact, change for many is often scarier than remaining in the known.

Here, we have to take a hard look at ourselves when we complain about our misery to see if we could change something by choosing change… But what if a change could be for the better? Could it be worth a step out of your comfort zone? What if only fear was blocking us, could we find some support to overcome it?


Illustration by Christel Mesey - Life coach, NLP Master practitioner, Healer, Intuitive Artist & Author of Drao Oracle Deck


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