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The top six ways to improve the work environment

Écrit par Guilherme Santos Saraiva
Paru le 7 décembre 2021

better work environment example

For a company to improve a work environment, the relationship between managers and employees needs to be healthy and mutually beneficial.

High levels of job satisfaction are critical to a company’s success, which means that staff are motivated and engaged. And this in turn increases productivity.

Organizational climate and its consequences

To begin, we need to discuss a company's organizational climate. This refers to the collective vision that the employees hold.

It influences how people interact with each other, with customers, and with internal and external suppliers. It affects, above all, employees' level of satisfaction.

Understanding the state of the organizational climate includes internal audits, assessing the values ​the organization passes on to employees and customers and examining the working conditions.

Organizational climate aims

Companies should strive for an environment that is collaborative and receptive to new ideas.

A poor organizational climate directly influences staff retention rates and commitment, and damages morale and the employee-management relationship.

The company must develop efficient strategies, therefore, to improve the atmosphere in the work environment, whenever possible.

The effort has to be honest and open. Too often, managers and the human resources team may generally feel - without proof - that the company atmosphere is positive when in reality it is quite the opposite.

Therefore, measures for creating a good internal (corporate) environment, ultimately, rests with management, working with constant feedback from all employees.

Here I present six ways managers can improve the work environment.

  1. Create a conflict management team

Knowing how to manage people is crucial to building a good organizational climate internally. It requires knowing the profile of each professional, including their skills and their strengths. However, conflicts can arise. A conflict management team can, by implementing discussions and improving communications, quickly resolve issues before they become out of control.

  1. Continuously collect feedback from employees

Improving a work environment requires regularly collecting data about how employees feel while at work. Using surveys, interviews, and other methods, HR can better understand the organizational climate and not just recognize potential conflicts, but proactively act on them.

  1. Invest in employees

Investing in an employee’s career path has many benefits. From an individual point of view, it produces professional security and stability. For the organization, it builds continuity and stronger commitment.

In this way, invest in the development of a career plan for your company's employees. It helps to follow the professional's potential path, focusing on their development and career growth. This attitude is highly valued and contributes to increasing the level of satisfaction in the work environment.

  1. Using Endomarketing

Endomarketing is an institutional marketing strategy focused on internal actions in the company. It is also called "internal marketing" and aims to improve the company's image among its employees, culminating in a motivated team and a reduction in staff turnover.

It consists of creating internal activities focused on engagement, training, and increasing the productivity of a company, valuing its employees, and improving their assessment of the internal environment and the company itself.

For example, the Internal Communication, or and/or the Human Resources department can create strategies to encourage staff participation in company affairs, as well as holding events to focus on motivating and improving the organizational climate.

The positive point of this tool is that it does not require a large investment. It just takes creativity and commitment from those involved for the initiatives to work.

  1. Provide professional

The individual training of each employee is another important point. The organization must offer courses and training platforms that contribute to the development of their careers and promote rewards for those who feel encouraged to continuously improve themselves. This is a way to demonstrate that the company values ​​professionals, who are concerned with keeping them motivated.

It is also possible to invest in partnerships with undergraduate and graduate institutions, providing discounts, special negotiation conditions, or scholarships offered by the organization itself. Thus, she will show that she recognizes and appreciates those who seek professional development, encouraging them to seek more knowledge in their areas of expertise.

  1. Develop recognition programs

All professionals want to have their efforts recognized. A good way to improve the work environment, therefore, is to develop recognition programs for your employees. Prizes and incentives should be offered to those who manage to achieve pre-established goals, whether individual or collective.

Focus on goals that challenge professionals and encourage them to be motivated. So as not to discourage staff, goals must be realistic and achievable.

In the next article, we'll look at 18 positive attitudes that will help you in your work environment and how they can impact your career.


Further articles by Guilherme Santos Saraiva:

Outsourcing: Advantages and disadvantages

The Back Office: What it does and where it is going

Interview: The challenges for financial market technologies

How to improve back-office efficiency





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