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OCE receives the first recruitment UnConference: #truGeneva

Écrit par Mercedes Pintos
Paru le 20 septembre 2016

#truGenevaOn September 22, 2016, the Office Cantonal de l’Emploi (OCE) is hosting #truGeneva, a unique conference bringing together human resources (HR), recruitment, and employer branding experts to share their experience and learn together. Entry is 30 CHF, which covers 12 presentations.

#truGeneva is about sharing experiences, getting people together, and learning from each other. When deciding to host this event, the idea was clear: no name badges, no presentations, no PowerPoint, and no pitching. Instead, it’s about a gathering of like minds, with attendees leading the conversations.

UnConference is based on the belief that HR practice can be isolated and lonely. The collaborative environment will give participants the possibility to share successes, failures and overall experiences, and to learn from each other.

The 12 non-presentations are called’ tracks’. Each hour, there are four different ‘tracks.’ People can attend and switch tracks without having to politely wait until the end. The idea is to gather whatever information is needed and move on to the next subject of interest.

It is very important to point out that this is a non-profit event, with no sponsors. This is to ensure that information is applicable to attendees, and will allow people to express their opinions freely. Organized voluntarily by #tru enthusiasts, it will be the only conference of its kind this year, and so therefore will be held in French and English.

To learn more and to register, click here

Besoin d'un conférencier ? UnoMe - Swiss Speakers' Bureau

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