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UTMB : 2,000 volunteers

Écrit par Mercedes Pintos
Paru le 26 août 2016

Two thousand volunteers from 15 different countries started on Monday, August 22nd their participation on the “ UTMB – Presented by Columbia ”, THE world summit of trail running and one of the most famous races in the world. 8,000 runners challenged their own limits in 5 different races.

UTMB_Mercedes PintosThe last week of August is the most important week for many of the world’s trail runners, amateurs and pros. The week-long “party” makes Chamonix the most famous town in the running environment during these days, receiving people from over 75 countries.

This event offers opportunities to several kinds of runners thanks to its five different races:

  1. PTL (La Petite Trotte à Léon): 290km and 26,500 meters of height gain race in complete autonomy. It is a race that can be ran in groups of 3 or 2 participants. It is not considered as a competitive event so it does not give finishing points. This race is completely different to the rest so it has its own rules, which you can read here.
  2. UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc): around 170km and 10,000 meters of height gain in semi-autonomy and a maximum of 46:30 hours to finish. During this race the runners can get assistance in specific refreshment points.
  3. TDS (Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie): 119km and 7,200-height gain in semi-autonomy, with a maximum of 33 hours to finish. This race starts from Cormayeur. Runners can be assisted in determined refreshment points.
  4. CCC (Cormayeur – Champex – Chamonix): 101km and 6,100-height gain starting from Cormayeur and with a maximum time of 26:30 hours to finish. Participants can get assistance in specific refreshment points.
  5. OCC (Orsières – Champex – Chamonix): 55km with 3,300-height gain in semi-autonomy and 14 hours to finish. This race starts at Orsières.

In order to register, trailers have to accumulate a certain amount of points that are determined by a registry system. These points come from races they ran and finished, and of course they vary depending on the length of the trail. These are the points a runner needs to have to have the chance to register:

  • UTMB®, 9 points (15 new points) necessary from a maximum of 3 races
  • CCC®, 3 points (7 new points) necessary in 1 or 2 races
  • TDS®, 3 points (7 new points) necessary in 1 or 2 races
  • OCC, 1 point (3 new points) necessary in 1 or 2 races

If the runner is eligible then there is a draw since although this selective pre-registration there are still more runners than places. Once they obtain their place the most difficult starts. Long trainings, intermediate races, a special diet amongst many other aspects are necessary in order to prepare the trail. Still, this does not guarantee crossing the finish line. Almost nothing this week is as famous in the trail running calendar.


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