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What about Energy Transition?

Écrit par Maria-Isabel Haroon-Perez
Paru le 21 février 2018

assises energy 2018

Grand Genève – an organization dedicated to cross-border cooperation and project – hosted the 19th edition of the European Energy Transition Conference. The overall aim of the conference was to share knowledge on how to achieve the aims of the energy transition and increase regional cooperation between Geneva and the surrounding areas.


Some of the event sessions included
• Adapting the fight against climate change
• Economic theories of energy transition
• Private and public funding
• Energy storage
• Air quality

Also prominent at the conference were many examples of regional strategies for energy transition from communities in France, Spain and Germany.
Additionally, much of the conference was given over to ‘Inspirations’ where examples of community and bottom-up success stories were shared to inspire others and show what can be achieved.
A large coordination of events also took place across neighboring France, Geneva and Vaud. Called Le Off, its purpose was to increase community involvement in energy transition and raise awareness of the possibilities of saving energy.

Village TransitionThe European Energy Transition Conference can be seen as a big brainstorming session to share knowledge and best practices as highlighted by stakeholder's presentation. Talking about energy transition is not only about energy savings, but also the social impact and involvement of citizens in changing their behavior.
Only time will tell if this sharing of knowledge can lead to energy transition. Our future though depends on it.

Photo credit :

1: http://www.cleantech-alps.com/fr/actualites/news/details/participez-activement-aux-assises-europeennes-de-la-transition-energetique-0-1349
2: Maria-Isabel Haroon-Perez
3: https://www.genie.ch/articles/h/genie-ch-aux-assises-europeennes-de-la-transition-energetique-merci-a-tous.html

Sources: https://www.assises-energie.net/en/ and Press Kit

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