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Your Ice Cream Choice And Your Personality

Écrit par Vanessa Sublon
Paru le 29 juillet 2024

Would you believe if I tell you that your favourite ice cream choice might reveal something about your personality? Linking ice cream preferences to personality types can be a delightful and insightful exercise.

According to Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types, the complexities of human personality can be categorized into five well-defined models: Energy, Mind, Nature, Tactics and Identity.

While personality is just one of many factors that guide our behaviour, our actions are also influenced by our environment, experiences and individual goals.

As a matter of fact, knowing your personality type—and those of others—can also help improve communication and interactions in various settings, be it at work, home or social gatherings.

Along the same lines, Thomas Erikson in his book "Surrounded by Idiots" categorized human behaviour into four colour-coded types. Those are Red for dominant, Yellow for influential, Green for stable and Blue for conscientious.

Similarly, at Geneva Business News, one of the first exercises for new staff is to answer a series of questions on Nova Profile to better understand their motivations and preferences. There are four colours presented too, same as the ones categorized in Thomas Erikson’s book.

To celebrate National Ice Cream Day—yes, it has existed since 1984 thanks to the former American President, Ronald Reagan—every third Sunday of July; let’s try to apply those theories to your ice cream preferences. This might be a fun exercise to help us understand why people might gravitate toward certain ice cream flavours.

For the great amateurs of ice cream, we know that there are the classic flavours, the adventurous flavours, on a cone or a cup, toppings or not.

Well, if you find yourself choosing between vanilla or mint chocolate dips, remember the following examples;

Classic flavours:

Vanilla: traditional, simple and elegant.

Chocolate: epicurean, passionate and indulgent.

Strawberry: sweet-natured, romantic.


Adventurous flavours:

Mint Chocolate Chip: adventurous, has a thrill for exploring new things, and is unique.

Cookie Dough: playful, creative and fun.

Coffee: practical, energetic and pick-me-up energy.


Eating Styles

Sharing: generous, sociable.

Eating Straight from the Carton: freedom, spontaneity, independence.

Trying New Flavours: curious, open-minded.


Toppings and Mix-Ins

Sprinkles: fun, playful, small joys and celebration in life.

Hot Fudge: indulgent, appreciation for richness and comfort.

Nuts: textured, complex, value in life for a mix of different elements.

Oreo’s: bold and flavourful.


Taking into consideration the Nova Method colours, we could relate the ice cream toppings to personality types as such:

Sprinkles (Yellow): aligns with the sociable, enthusiastic, and creative traits of Yellow personalities, who are often the life of the party.

Hot Fudge (Green): patient, relaxed, and supportive nature of Green personalities, who value harmony and comfort.

Nuts (Blue): addition of crunch and a layer of complexity to ice cream, so much like the analytical and detail-oriented nature of Blue personalities.

Oreo (Red): stands out and adds a strong taste to the ice cream, because it reflects the strong-willed and decisive nature of Red individuals.

There are many ways to explore our individual preferences and relate them to our personality traits. Of course, the first aim while choosing your ice cream flavour is to have pleasure and have a good moment. But, isn’t it fun how your preferences here could scream out who you are?

Besides, it can be a fun conversation starter and a unique method to understand different aspects of someone's personality through their ice cream choices and behaviours.

So next time you're enjoying your favourite scoop, think about what it might say about you!

Vanessa Sublon

Passionnée par la réalisation d’événements et stratégies de communication dans des environnements internationaux, je m'efforce de créer des connexions durables et de fournir des solutions créatives dans mes domaines d'expertise.

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One comment on “Your Ice Cream Choice And Your Personality”

  1. Hi
    I appreciate this type of interesting and creative article and the writers also.This ice cream article help a lot to know human personality.And very helpful for making relationships.

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